🌸Full price consists of regular commission price + keychain add-on.
🌸Details of what you want me to draw will be provided later. Please leave a sns handle on the notes of your order so I can contact you, otherwise I will use the email provided in your order as way of communicating ;)
🌸Details such as materials (holo acrylic, glitter, rainbow...), size and claw accesories will be discussed once you place your order using the sns account you provided! No extra charges ;)
🌸Please read carefully all the info and my will and won't draw rules. Also keep in mind I'm in my right to cancel your order if I don't feel comfortable drawing what you ask for even if not specified in my commission rules.
🌸If you want multiple copies of the same keychain you will only be charged the commission fee once, we can talk about that once the order is placed so it's easier for you!
🌸These will be open during the entire preorder period Sept 18th - Oct 2nd!